November 18th, 2024
Over recent weeks, we've introduced several exciting updates. Enterprise users now enjoy SAML support and enhanced admin login flows for an improved staff experience. We're also trialling support for custom pages, dynamic menu items, and iframe rendering within client area template slots.
Here are the full release notes:
NEW: SAML support for enterprise license users
NEW: Implement auth providers within the admin login flow
NEW: Auto-load default auth providers to improve staff login UX
NEW: Render support for 'Custom Pages'
NEW: Dynamic menu items derived from custom pages
NEW: 'iframe' type supported within client area template slots
NEW: Show invoice consolidation options for client (dependant on brand setting)
NEW: Add currency suggestions for locales: en-AU, en-NZ and en-GB
NEW: Push AppEvent when provision fields are mounted
FIX: Bug updating old promotion types due to data structure change
FIX: Available ticket departments in "Manage my Upmind" context
FIX: Missing reference to get required custom fields in the basket
FIX: Race condition loading product config during upgrade/downgrade flow
FIX: Refresh template list after the creation of a new template
FIX: Incorrect order complete redirection in admin context
FIX: Word breaks within provision config details
FIX: URLification within pinned notes
FIX: Category uniqueness when grouping contract products
FIX: Omit products pending cancellation from those needing confirmation
INTERNAL: Change percentage step increment in auto-populate prices form
INTERNAL: Pass locale within AppEvent metadata
INTERNAL: Sync Localazy translations